The Single Helix
Chemical Element System data
for Periodic Table Applications

para spacer The natural atoms can only be arranged
with all element relationships perfectly
correct by spiralling every element
down a single helix on a 3D model,
groups aligned and elements contiguous. para spacer Flat periodic tables currently employ this
systemized data in the more convenient
2D tabular format necessary for easier
printing, study and work of Chemistry.
para spacer The differences between flat periodic tables
and the three-dimensional system model
photographed to illustrate this principle in
the views at the right have been annotated
to the right of the photos. para spacer Swipe right to see more, and click on the
photo to enlarge, and again to return.

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Chemical Element System para spacer The stretched and wrapped Hydrogen box (originating from nothing at the Big Bang) unites with Helium, completing the first period, atop the 6 period Main Group element tower at the left.
para spacer While the F- & D-blocks (right) are each independent, connecting with each other plus to both S-block's Group IIa bordering on the single vertical location I call the neXus, results in the Atomic Numbers of the Element Line being continuous from start to finish, while keeping all columns intact as well. para spacer Instead of being at the edges of the periodic table, both the ends and beginnings of the periods are together - greatly improving trends teaching - and that junction is clearly defined by the period arrows pointing to the last and next periods on the corner bars between Groups 18 & 1.
Chemical Element System para spacer Hydrogen's unique extended databox makes explicit the concept that Period 1 is quite different from those following, and by circling over the Main Group, ready compounding with those elements is implied.
para spacer In the Big Bang, Hydrogen, first, then Helium, then Lithium are thought to have been realized first, the same order illustrated from top down in this model, rather than being separated on a common periodic table.
para spacer Explicit in the Periodic Law, numerically contiguous elements are only available in 3D models like the Alexander Arrangement, shown at left by the slant of P-block databoxes. This patented feature is what allows period ends to physically connect with the next period's first element
- a key trends factor that flat periodic tables sacrifice in exchange for all elements to be visible at one time.
Chemical Element System para spacer Seeing all element information at once on a convenient surface is vital to the doing of chemistry, but for the initial introduction and understanding of the correct relationships among both elements and blocks, models of the Alexander Arrangement of Elements are required to show Mendeleyev's Periodic Law as well as the top down S P D F subshell order.
para spacer Large databoxes names, symbols, and numbers help Howard Gardner's verbal-linguistic students, while Theodore Gray's 'prior knowledge' photography appeals to those favoring naturalistic competencies.
para spacer At the same time, the physicality of this model requires manipulation - attractive to the bodily-kinesthetic as well as visual-spatial intelligences - adding these students to others for whom the common flat table is a disappointment or deterrent.
Chemical Element System para spacer para spacer Instead of Main Group blocks being pushed apart by the transition metals, common in periodic tables, the other block loops being pinched where they join between Groups 2 & 3 avoid that distortion: seen here in the center, where all element numbers are sequential - the neXus.
para spacer Feeling and seeing the natural beauty of science, which are embodied in this model - either as a great periodic table or a model of the reality of the atoms/elements systematized according to the Periodic Law - provides greater understanding and appreciation of Science, so important for learning!
para spacer This Alexander Arrangement of Elements model requires hands-on to see all elements - adding respect for the Periodic Law and a glimpse of reality.
Plan view chart with callouts of the Alexander Arrangement of Elements para spacer para spacer The unique form and function of the Alexander Arrangement of Elements shows best from the top.
para spacer The extended H databox originates from nothing (like the Big Bang) inside the Main Group tower, rising clockwise to touch on He, Li, and Be, and descends in the P-block (where the Alexander downslant takes place in all periods) to rest against He. para spacer The crossover of the blocks at the neXus shows the attachment of S- block's Group IIa to the first elements (Groups IIIa,b,c) of all other blocks.
para spacer This Alexander Arrangement of Elements model of the Chemical Element System Involves a student more thoroughly - emotionally, mentally, and physically - than any 2D chart, for a great advance in understanding.
Chemical Element System para spacer More about the
features and educational
capabilities of this kit
for an illustrated model
of the Periodic Law
may be found at
3D Periodic Table.

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